
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Whiz away !

I was away in Shenzhen China last week. Did not get to knit anything over the one week stay.

While I was in Shenzhen, visited the Dongmen area in Luohu District. In the Dongmen area, found lots of wholesale centre selling wool at the basement of the shopping centres - literary underground shopping centres! The wool were cotton ones in particular! and were rather cute too - most of the wool were little round pom-pom balls of wool!

Shop proprietors were selling these cotton wool in bulk prices and were also busy knitting away some of their wool to produce things like knitted caps, hats, toe socks and wool slip-ons to be put on sale. After much bargaining, we manage to get a grey and white colour cotton knitted hat at a rock bottom price of RMB15 (approx S$3) ! Due to time constraints, I was unable to bring back some of the wool... maybe next trip.

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